Job Application Form

Tamai Onettom India Private Limited aims to attract,motivate and retain a highly qualified and diverse workforce to support our mission.
We offer a creative and professionally satisfied environment that is open, respectful and appreciative.

Candidates are required to fill the below details.

* Required fields

Personal Information

Applying Job Title *

First Name *

Last Name *

Address *

Email *

Mobile Number (+ International Code - Phone Number)*

Date of Birth

Marital Status

Your Educational and Professional Background

[ Educational qualifications ]
Please fill the following 1 to 7 items in the box given below:

  1. Highest Degree Obtained
  2. Name of the School
  3. Name of the Board/University
  4. Subjects Taken
  5. Year of passing
  6. % Marks
  7. Remarks

[ Professional qualifications, if any ]

[ Experience ]
Please fill the following 1 - 5 items in the box given below:

  1. Employer Information- Company Name
  2. Tenure
  3. Last Salary Drawn
  4. Reasons of leaving
  5. Any other remark

[ Other specific qualification ]
Please fill any other specific qualification or experience you want to mention below:

Message for the employer *

Attachment *
For sharing more information, please upload your CV here.


Note: Thank You for Submitting your CV, our HR Team will get back to you if you are selected. All the Best!

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